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Make Money with Highest Paying URL Short-ener! (Earn Passive Income 2021)


Do you want to make money online by shorting links. 

I'm going to show you the highest paying 
platforms to shorten links so if you're interested in making money online in 2021. Beyond by using this URL link SHORTENER method because, I'm going to show you the four best platforms so these are the platforms.

     let's get into it right away so the,

First one is called link VERTICE now you 
want to go to publisher dot link for twice don't go to the normal website because this is where you can get going so you can share links and earn money on every visitor who clicks on your link.
Now if you're new to all of this 
basically how it works is that you have to send traffic to a link and you pretty much give access to that 
to companies so there are companies that want to have their ads seen when people click on the link you'll make sure that the ad shows up because you're using a URL link SHORTENER and every single time someone does that you earn money once you do that what you'll see is that if you click I'll show you that on a different platform in a bit. Once you click you will then send them over to a specific website and before they go to that website they will see an ad and that's where you make money now. Let's find out how much money this specific platform is actually paying as you guys can see you can earn up to 70 dollars per 1000 views so link for ties is the best paying link SHORTENER site in GERMAN speaking countries so pay attention this is GERMAN only, so if you're targeting traffic in GERMANY or like GERMAN speaking countries you can make a lot and a lot of money 70per 1000 views is a crazy high CPM. Now you also see that you can receive daily payments via bank transfer pay sift card or amazon coupons for a minimum of ten dollars so this is the first platform they can pay you a lot and a lot of money what you can do is click here and you can also go to the English one you can see you can just change the language and that is how that works next up we've got shrink me dot Io they can pay up to 220 dollars per 10-000 views so that's 22 dollars per 1k views that is really good that's a 22 CPM basically how this works is that once again you create a link once people click you.
;Can make money;   I'm going to sign in and I'll show you how that works so on this platform it's actually pretty simple to get started so I'm just going to sign into my account let's do I'm not a robot click sign in and there we go this is what the platform looks like now you can get a one dollar sign up bonus I just received this when I signed up you can click on new shortened link you can put in that link right here you can do this I'm just going to do this for you guys so that I can show you how this works this is the link that you would start promoting when people click on that link on a website or on a YOUTUBE description on your INSTAGRAM bio link they'll go to this page where they need to capture this and then wait for the link so this is where you can get an ad now I've got ad blockers installed so nothing is showing up but that is pretty much where it would then show up so when these people then wait 40 seconds to go to XERO they can click on get link and you will send them over to the specific website that you want to send them to and that is how this works now shrink me dot IO is paying a decent amount of money as you can see they will give you a one dollar sign up bonus the minimum payout is five bucks they pay through bit-coin PayPal pay your web money RTN perfect money a lot of different options and as you can see they pay up to 22 dollars per 1k views.

       Now it all depends on the country 

Then the device 
so for green land they're paying 22 dollars I know that sounds very good but be realistic guys you're not going to get a lot of traffic from green land I don't even know how much people there are in green land let me check but that already tells you that it's going to be really hard to get a lot of clicks from green land you can see there are only 56k people in green land so you're not going to make money from this so      Ire-land  that is pretty good that's a pretty decent sized country 16 Belgium 7.50 cents seven bucks for UK seven bucks for the us so these are the rates that you want to pay attention to because these countries right here are often the highest paying ones and the ones that you can get the most traffic from so the UK the us Canada and Australia not specifically New-Zealand but Australia those are very good countries to get traffic and they pay a good amount of money. Now if you want to check out the entire list you can scroll down you can see that the world-wide deal so all countries is going to be three dollars which is really good as well so this is definitely one of the most highest paying platforms for URL for uh shortening platform number three is ad-fly ad-fly is one of the most popular ones out there and they pay a decent amount as well they pay a little bit less than the others that's probably because they're the most popular one so everyone is joining this one which then allows them to be a bit less because it's the best uh like platform out there in terms of popularity but there we go so this is the publishing rates on apply you can see for the us it's about I would say I mean there are two different ones you've got desktop CPM and mobile CPM. So the unique CPM as you can see is the average amount paid for 1k visitors in a 24 hour period and the raw CPM  is only for the first advert so someone clicks twice or someone like one person clicks on multiple links that's the difference in the CPMS but you can see for the UK the Canada UK and Australia like I said those are the best countries it is actually pretty decent so the unique CPMS are about six and nine then about three for the for the Canadian clicks and about four and you can see that it's just pretty decent overall because these are the countries where you can get a lot of clicks from all of these are cool like even if this is like 10 or like 50 it doesn't like do that much because the countries on here are not like you're not getting a lot of clicks from these countries. So you want to mainly pay attention to these countries when joining a platform and for FY these country rates are pretty good so yeah I can definitely recommend joining apply and this is one of the best ones out there and also the most popular and then finally I've got shrink earn shrink earn is also a really popular one and it pays you a lot and a lot of money so if I go to the publisher rates.                                                                                                         You'll see that once again.
It's kind of like the same layout my bad 
is that the same company is behind this platform as string me dot IO because the layouts are the same like just the websites in general look pretty familiar pretty similar you can see green-land is paying twenty dollars once again I just said like that that won't do anything for you you cannot get a lot of clicks from this country um ice-land is kind of like the same you can get some clicks but you can see 13 san Marino so what they've done here is they've listed a lot of countries that pay you a lot of cash per click however they're not that many people in these countries so the amount of traffic that you get from these countries is not going to make a lot of money if that makes sense but then we've got the UK Canada and the us all paying seven dollars now that makes it to be a very good platform Australia paying six Germany five France five Spain four so you can see the more western countries the more like um like I would say like not richer 
because I'm not trying to be um like you get the point I'm just trying to say like the more western countries like often pay more you can get a decent amount of clicks from them so yeah that is pretty much the highest paying URL SHORTENER links plat-forms to make money online to make money on the internet so yeah if you want to make money you can simply get out there sign up for a plat-form like this and you can get going.
  Hopefully you can make money online.

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